Cannabidiol, better known as CBD, is a widespread compound derived from the cannabis plant. CBD is usually available as an oil-based extract, but is also available in lozenges, sprays, creams, and other forms.
CBD has several health benefits: it reduces anxiety, relieves pain, and improves heart and brain function. But what is less well known is how CBD affects weight loss.
What is CBD?
CBD is one of over 100 compounds known as cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. It is the second largest cannabinoid after tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), accounting for up to 40% of the plant extract. Unlike THC, CBD has no psychoactive effects, which means that it does not create a cloudy state in us. No matter how CBD affects your body, it works differently. It is believed to stimulate certain receptors that help reduce inflammation in the body and reduce pain and anxiety. Stops the breakdown of anandamide in the brain (a chemical often referred to as the "bliss molecule"). This allows the anandamide to stay in your body longer, helping to relieve pain and strengthen the brain. CBD also regulates the production of inflammatory molecules called cytokines, thereby reducing inflammation and pain. CBD can also help treat depression symptoms. Because human studies are currently limited, the full health effects of CBD remain unknown.
Can CBD help weight Loss? CBD's job is to improve various aspects of health, including weight loss. Here are some of the possible effects.
May speed up metabolism and reduce food intake..
Preliminary research suggests that CBD can lower food intake and boost metabolism, which can promote weight loss. For example, animal studies show that CBD affects body weight by interacting with the CB1 and CB2 receptors in lymphoid tissue and the brain. These receptors are thought to play an important role in metabolism and food intake. In a two-week study, rats were injected daily with CBD at doses of 2.5 and 5 mg per kg of body weight. Weight loss was achieved with both doses, but was significantly higher with the higher dose. It is important to note that CBD was administered by injection and not orally. In another rat study, CBD caused a significant reduction in food intake compared to other cannabinoids, including cannabigerol and cannabinol. While these results are promising, there are not enough human studies to support this and more research is needed.
May help darken fat.
There are two types of fat in your body - white and brown. White fat is the primary form responsible for storing and supplying energy, insulating, and lining your organs. It is also the type of fat most commonly associated with chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease when it accumulates excessively. Brown fat is responsible for generating heat by burning calories. Normal weight people usually have more brown fat than overweight people. White fat can be turned brown by exercising, getting enough sleep, and tempering. Interestingly, research shows that CBD can help with this process. A test tube study found CBD promoted "darkening" of white fat. It enhances the expression of certain genes and proteins that make brown fat.
In any case, human studies are needed to confirm this effect.
Marijuana use is associated with lower body weight.
Although marijuana use is usually associated with increased food intake, those who use marijuana products weigh less than those who do not. For example, a survey of over 50,000 people found that those who used cannabis at least 3 days a week had an overweight rate of 14-17%. Compared to those who have not used marijuana in the past 12 months, this percentage is 22-25%. Since CBD is also found in marijuana, it has been linked to this. However, researchers believe that cannabinoids in general, including CBD, affect appetite, metabolism, and other body functions related to weight.
Can CBD Promote Weight Gain?
Хотя CBD может положительно влиять на аппетит и потерю веса, он также может вызывать увеличение веса. Некоторые исследования показали, что CBD увеличивает аппетит. Фактически, одним из наиболее распространенных побочных эффектов лечения CBD является изменение аппетита. В одном исследовании исследователи опросили родителей 117 лечившихся детей, которые использовали CBD для лечения эпилепсии. Хотя родители сообщили об уменьшении симптомов эпилепсии, 30% из них заявили, что масло CBD значительно повысило аппетит их детей. Исследования показывают, что CBD может влиять на аппетит по-разному. В одном трехмесячном исследовании участвовали 23 ребенка с синдромом Драве, типом эпилепсии, с дозой до 11,4 мг CBD на килограмм массы тела (25 мг / кг). У одних детей появился аппетит, у других - снизился. Кроме того, недавний обзор 2409 человек, употребляющих CBD, показал, что 6,35% из них испытали усиление чувства голода в качестве побочного эффекта. Необходимы дополнительные исследования, чтобы понять полное влияние CBD на аппетит, поскольку, похоже, оно варьируется. Многие факторы, такие как генетика и используемый продукт, могут повлиять на чувство голода при приеме CBD.
Should you try CBD oil to lose weight? Weight loss?
Although it's unclear, is CBD oil effective for weight loss, it has been shown to improve health in other good ways. It is relatively safe and has a low risk of side effects. More research is needed to determine, especially in humans, how this affects weight. The existing results are still relatively weak and inconsistent. Therefore, CBD oil is not recommended as an effective weight loss method. Better to try other weight loss tips instead - especially since CDB products can be expensive.
In conclusion..
CBD oil is an increasingly popular cannabis product, often touted as an effective weight loss aid. However, current research shows no clear effect on weight. While some research suggests CBD can boost metabolism by decreasing body fat and appetite, other studies show an increase in appetite. Until more research is completed, it is best to rely on other weight loss methods, such as diet and lifestyle changes.
Is CBD Legal?
Cannabis-derived CBD products (with less than 0.2% THC) are legal at the European level, but still illegal under some national laws, such as in Slovakia.