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Years of research have shown irrefutably that cannabis has medicinal effects. As such, even veterinarians have shown interest in using CBD oil for dogs and cats, as both animals are capable of recycling cannabidiol through their own endocannabinoid system. Like humans, there are different CBD medications for animals that can treat different conditions. CBD is the most natural treatment for epilepsy or arthritis that our four-legged friend can get. The benefits we get from consuming this substance represent a safe and effective risk-free solution. Let's see how our four-legged friends can reap the benefits of this cannabis plant.

Are CBD Products Safe? It is very important to emphasize that is CBD oil effective for dogs pole üldse psühhotroopne mis, tähendab, et kutsikad ei saa sellest ainest mingil viisil sõltuvusse jääda.Ehk see ongi  CBD õli suurim kasu, et ta kasutab ära selle taime kõik võimalikud eelised ilma tüüpilise marihuaana vapustava mõjuta. Nüüd, kui oleme selgitanud, mis on CBD õli, vaatame, kuidas lemmikloomad sellest kasu saavad.
Which animals are CBD good for? In general, most vertebrates, like humans, have an endocannabinoid system. This system plays an important role in the absorption of cannabidiol. This means that almost all animals, including dogs, cats, and even horses, can take cannabidiol.
What are the benefits of CBD for animals? CBD fights anxiety. Depression and anxiety are caused by an imbalance of body chemicals in the brain. Dogs are especially prone to this type of imbalance. Veterinary research has shown that cannabidiol helps to normalize the influx of the responsible substances that cause this disease. In addition, CBD interacts with serotonin and adenosine (receptors in the brain) that make it work properly. Many people use CBD to help dogs with anxiety disorders or fireworks or thunder anxiety.
Kills cancer cells
Teaduslikud tõendid tõestavad, et CBD võib vältida vähi raku kasvu ja arengut organismis. Ehkki seni on seda uuritud ainult hiirtel ja rottidel, on arvukalt teateid pärit arstidelt  ja ekspertidelt kes on näidanud paljutõotavaid tulemusi.

Stops seizures
A seizure is a disturbance in the electrical activity of the brain that causes tremors. Spasms in the brain are very difficult to control. Several studies have shown that CBD can significantly reduce seizures and seizures, even in our four-legged friends.
Relieves pain
Swelling and pain in dogs and cats is regulated by vanilloid receptors in the brain.
When CBD interacts with these types of neurons, it effectively prevents receptor activation and transmission of pain signals to the body. Many animals suffer from chronic pain due to aging, which limits their movement and lowers their mood. Here, cannabidiol extract is also a great ally in overcoming these situations, relieving pain and eliminating inflammation.
Increases appetite
Research has shown that CBD can reduce nausea and stimulate appetite by interacting with various neurons in an animal's brain. The body needs to be fed to cope with all diseases, and a lack of nutrients can cause serious problems. Lack of appetite can sometimes occur in situations of anxiety or pain, so it's worth paying attention to the signs and therefore giving our furry friends the right oil.
Do veterinarians recommend cannabidiol?
If you are shopping for CBD products for your furry friends, we recommend that you consult with your veterinarian. Don't be surprised if your veterinarian doesn't recommend using cannabis to treat your pet. Although scientific research shows promising results, it is a relatively new drug in the world. Your doctor may not be aware of the latest tests, so take his advice, but don't skip using this wonderful ingredient in the cannabis plant. It is important to find a veterinarian familiar with the product. A competent veterinarian will share with you their experience and knowledge in this area.

What is the difference between cannabis and marijuana? While many understand the difference between CBD and THC, there is another lesser known but very important difference in the legality of CBD and that is the difference between marijuana and cannabis. In fact, both marijuana and cannabis belong to the cannabis family. However, there is an important difference between the two. The main difference between the two is the amount of CBD and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) produced by each plant. A marijuana plant can contain up to 30% THC. In other words, marijuana is a plant that produces euphoric and psychoactive effects. The cannabis plant does not contain more than 0.2% THC. Thus, dizziness is not possible after using cannabis. Thus, cannabis is legal in most countries and safe for the elderly, children, and even pets.

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