Kanepi õied AMNESIA CBD 22% 2€/g alates - 20,00 €

AMNESIA buds CBD 22% from 2€/g

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AMNESIA buds CBD 22%
Available in packs: 2g-3g-5g-10g-20g-50g-100g

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Grammi (CBD Kanepi-õied) või tükk Discount (%) Price / g or Price / piece
1 20,00 
2 50 % 10,00 
5 65 % 7,00 
10 70 % 6,00 
20 75 % 5,00 
50 80 % 4,00 
100 85 % 3,00 
500+ 90 % 2,00 
SKU: AMN-BUD Category:


AMNESIA buds CBD 22% THC<0,3%

Balanced Cannabis Strain for Recreation and Relief

Amnesia CBD is a cannabis strain that offers users the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of cannabis but with lower THC content and higher CBD content, which may make it suitable for those who want to avoid excessive psychoactivity and seek a balanced effect. Here is an overview of the Amnesia CBD cannabis strain:

Origin and History:
Amnesia CBD originates from the well-known Amnesia Haze strain, renowned for its intense effects and strong aroma. The creators of this strain decided to cross Amnesia Haze with a strain having lower THC and higher CBD content to create a more balanced variety

Appearance and Flowers:
Amnesia CBD plants typically grow to a medium size and have long and dense buds. The flowers are covered with a thick resin layer and can be beautifully green or even have a golden hue. The taste and aroma of this strain are often described as citrusy and spicy.

Cannabinoids and Effects:
Unlike traditional Amnesia Haze, Amnesia CBD has a lower THC content, which means it does not have as strong a psychoactive effect. Instead, it has a higher CBD content, which may help alleviate anxiety, stress, and pain. Amnesia CBD offers users a clear effect and relaxation while maintaining a clear mind.

Medical Use:
Amnesia CBD on leidnud kasutust meditsiinilise kanepina. Selle kõrgem CBD sisaldus võib olla kasulik ärevuse, depressiooni, valu ja põletiku leevendamisel. Samal ajal võimaldab madalam THC sisaldus inimestel säilitada igapäevast funktsionaalsust.

Amnesia CBD plants are relatively easy to grow and they offer a good yield. However, when cultivating this strain, it's important to monitor light and temperature conditions to achieve the best results.

Amnesia CBD is a good example of a strain that combines recreational and medical uses of cannabis. It allows people to enjoy the benefits of cannabis while maintaining a clear mind and alleviating various health issues. As always, cannabis should be used responsibly and in accordance with local laws.

CBD Wholesale: www.cbditaly.store 

Product Use: For professional use or collection only. Not for human consumption.
Sales Restrictions: Not sold to individuals under 18 years of age.
Storage: Store in a dry place, away from heat sources and out of reach of children.
Country of Origin: Italy

Additional information

Weight 2-100 g
Dimensions 15 × 10 × 3 cm






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